Tuesday, November 20, 2012

What I'm working on now - The Next Big Thing

Fellow author Sharon Robards tagged me for the online game The Next Big Thing: A blog circle where authors have a chance to discuss their current works in progress/ what they’re currently working on now.

Next Big Thing:

What is your working title of your book?

The Indigos..sub title- One of Us

Where did the idea come from for the book?
I've always been drawn to stories/movies about the end of civilization.

 What genre does your book fall under?


Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

I wanted to jump in and say Paul Walker, but unfortunately he's not young enough for my MC, and Sean Bean should be in it just because he's in everything. But seriously, maybe Emile Hirsch for my male mc and Ryan Newman for the female.

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

After the fall of civilization, Jacob and his new friends must fight for survival as they travel across country in search of his younger brother, while seeking others like them.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

I'll be looking for an agent.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

Two years and ongoing

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

The Road, I Am Legend

Who or what inspired you to write this book?

My daughter, son, and brother are my inspiration as well as my friends from Absolute Write. Having people that believe in you is a powerful thing. I enjoy books/movies like I am Legend, The Road, The Book of Eli, Children of Men, etc, so that's what I chose to write.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

Jacob believes that he and his group are the "normal" humans left, definitely not like the Dements that stalk and eat everything, but he may find out that they're not the normal ones after all.

I’ve tagged this diverse group of writers to join in the game.

Vincent Morrone    http://vincentmorrone.com/?p=160

Rhoda Nightingale http://glitter-n-gore.livejournal.com/

Honey Boudreaux http://honeyboudreaux.weebly.com/blog-about-writing.html

Message for the tagged authors and interested others:

Your post should be up by Tuesday of next week--(11/27) Tuesday 27th November. I hope you all have fun with this, and thanks for joining me. I've posted the "rules" below: Please tune into these blogs the week of November Tuesday 27th and check out their posts!

Include the link of who tagged you and this explanation for the people you have tagged.

Rules of the Next Big Thing
***Use this format for your post
***Answer the ten questions about your current WIP (work in progress)
***Tag five other writers/bloggers and add their links so we can hop over and meet them.

Ten Interview Questions for the Next Big Thing:

What is your working title of your book?
Where did the idea come from for the book?
What genre does your book fall under?
Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
Who or what inspired you to write this book?
What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
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While you’re waiting for those new posts next week, be sure to visit Sharon Robards who tagged me, as well as any other participants in The Next Big Thing.

Have questions about my current work in progress, One of Us? Feel free to leave them in the comments and Thank you for reading and visiting my blog. :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Veteran's Day

I just wanted to say thank you to all of you in the military, their families, and the veterans. Thank you for all you've sacrificed to keep our nation safe and free. My heart and prayers go out to each of you. May God bless you all. Thank you for all you've done and for all you continue to do for this country. <3


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sending prayers to all that were affected by Hurricane Sandy. Such a devastating monster of a storm...so many lives lost and lives turned inside out by this. :( May God give you strength and comfort in your time of need. I know that you are a tough lot--you East Coasters-- and that you'll rebound, but so sorry you had to go through it. God bless you and the people stepping up to help in this disaster. And God bless the ones that lost their lives or lost loved ones. Peace and love to you all.

Luckily, all the friends I know online have reported in and are safe. But the destruction this hurricane caused is devastating. God be with you all. *hugs*

Fallen Angel

God placed his hand upon the angel's head, ever so gently.

"Where's thy wings, my child?"

"Consumed by the fire, Father."

"And where is thy halo?"

"Snatched by mine enemies."

"And where is thy heart?"

"Buried beneath the ashes."

"And what would thou have me do then?"

"Take what is left of mine soul and let me fly once more. But leave mine heart, for it is broken and of no use to me anymore."


Happy Halloween

The shadows dance upon my wall. Cringing, I dig deeper into the covers. The wind howling as it violently shakes the window making the branches outside screech against the pane. I know that I'm not alone and in one hand I clench my dagger whilst the other clutches tightly to the cross which hangs from a leather cord around my neck. I repeatedly say the Lord's Prayer.


"Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name..."


The lantern will not stay lit even though it's shuttered from any drafts that may come in from under the door or windows. I only have the pale moonlight from the window to see by, leaving most of the room in dark shadows. It's a cold night and I think about going into the main room where I can keep warm by the fireplace, but I know if I move it will strike, perhaps leaping on my back and sinking its teeth into my neck. So I sit shivering on my bed with the covers pulled up around me.


Praying gives me little courage, but still I whisper, "I know you're there. I can hear you breathing. Be gone ye demon for I fear thee not."  I do believe I hear a snort or grunt. I can imagine it having red eyes, though I cannot see them, and razor-like teeth. I hold up my dagger and the moonlight dances across its blade.


"You see, I am armed and I will not go down without a fight, so best you go prey upon an easier victim," I said, trying to keep my voice from trembling.


Shuffling. Was that shuffling I heard or was it merely my imagination? I press my back against the headboard and brace myself for the attack, but the beast remains hidden from my sight.


This time, I raise the cross into the light. "I know you're there, I can smell you. You smell of  rotting corpses and all that is foul and unholy. But I fear ye not, for you see, I am protected."


 All remained silent except for the wind and trees and I was growing weary. This was the third night that I felt the demon in the room. Three sleepless nights and I feared that I would succumb to the lure of sleep for my eyelids felt as if they were made of lead. Head nodding, the darkness threatened to plunge me into a deep sleep--one that I'd very much welcome if only there wasn't a demon in the corner waiting for me to collapse.


"I am a man of faith," I mumbled. "Go now and let me be. I will not sleep so that you can slit my throat and feed upon me during the night. God gives me strength and power so I say to you, demon, begone. In the name of--"


The words catch in my throat as the shadows move, and from the corner of my room a form emerges breaking away from the darkness and stepping into the moonlight. I gasp as it opens its mouth revealing rows of long, sharp teeth. Its eyes burn into mine as it flexes its long, steely claws. The leather chord snaps as I strain my arm out in front of me, using the cross as a shield. My heart now in my throat I find it difficult to breathe.

"Leave... me be," I managed to stammer, waving the dagger in front of me, though now it felt completely inadequate against the demon that stood before me. So I did the only thing I could think of--I prayed. "I will fear no evil, though I walk through the valley of dea--" 


"Enough," the demon hissed. "For crying out loud! Don't you ever sleep? Who knew humans babbled on and on with no end in sight? I haven't slept in three nights! I got more rest in hell. Fuck this, I'm out of here."

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!  Hope you enjoyed the story. :D