Friday, August 10, 2012

Been Busy...

Geez, it's been a while since I posted...well, not that long.

Work has been murder on me. We've been short handed, down by three people and right in the middle of inventory time. So I've been working overtime and went in on my day off to help with inventory. This leaves little time for blogging, writing, or drawing. :/

And as I write this, I should be sleeping because I have an all day shift tomorrow. New people have been hired, but they're still in training so it'll be a week or so before my schedule gets back to normal and then... the holidays. ugh! Yes, the holidays have arrived for retail stores already, we have Halloween candy in the stockroom.

Anyway an update on my writerly things...

I have a short story, Lest Ye Forget, that I need to get subbed out again. Got positive feedback from last editor so trying it again elsewhere...

My short story, Crossing Over, needs a few tweaks and then I'll sub it out. It's kind of long, though, so if no one wants it I may try to self-pub it on Amazon. I was going to do that to begin with, but friends thought I should try subbing it out first. So, I'll give it a shot.

And then there's my novel, WIP-- One of Us. It still needs at least one more chapter to finish the first draft. Funny when I started writing it I wrote for five months straight and had it almost complete. But when I got down to the final chapters, I just sputtered out. And now I can't even force myself to open it up.  :(

Oh, and I entered a writing contest at Absolute Write. A short story. A very kind writer donated money for the winner and 2nd and 3rd place. So I figured I'd give that a shot.

So, that's what I'm doing this month. It's difficult with my job hours, but I'm not giving up. Nor will I give up on getting published. Weary and tired, but still hopeful. :)


  1. I have three novels that are very nnear done. Have been for years

    That's why I never set them aside any more :P

    1. Yeah, but you're a writing machine, Wayne. No comparison there. :P Always good to have you on my blog, my friend. :)

    2. Yours is one of the few I read :)

    3. Aw, thanks Wayne and I'm honored that you feel like there's something on here worth reading. :) I wonder sometimes. lol!

  2. I know the feeling mate. I have finally arrived at the point of self publishing after a very long wait. I know that those last few laps can be the hardest. Writing is as much tiresome as it is enjoyable and few people realize that it is an 8-5 job just like any other. My advice is to continue to supply short stories parallel with the development of your novel: just to see something done and get some feedback. Gluck with everything... may we meet at a writers convention mate :)

    1. :) Thank you J.C for visiting. Congrats on the self publishing, I hope that that is going very well. I haven't self-pubbed anything, yet, but may do so in the future. The formatting is a killer for me. lol! I'd love to be able to write for a living, but, I don't see that happening in the near future so I must toil away at the day job to keep the wolves at bay. I'm determined to keep the short stories rolling in hopes of getting published and one day I'll finish this darn novel if it kills me...Thank you very much for the gluck wishes. :D ...and yes, meeting at a writer's convention would be very cool. :)

  3. hey, nighty dearheart, know you'll do well. Just keep on subbing and you'll get pubbed. Perseverance is the key, honest. If I can get pubbed you can too!You're a very talented writer!

    1. *Hugs* Thank you, Susie. I think it's mostly me, with my job I really haven't had the time to put all my effort into writing/submitting and that's really what it takes. Unfortunately, my job must come before my passion, because I have to fight to keep the wolves away. But hoping that'll change one day. Thank you for your support, my dear friend. <3
